3 beauty myths we bet you didn’t know were untrue

Alisha Alam | Apr 18, 2018, 11:05 IST
Blindly following beauty myths can have negative side effects too

When it comes to beauty and skin care products we tend to believe myths that were told to us either by our moms and friends or we do the only thing we know; we Google it. Well, unfortunately not all these beauty myths are true and we certainly don’t know how to certify most of them. And let’s be honest, they might sound ridiculous but when we think about flawless skin and luscious hair, aren’t we willing to try just about anything? But doing that to your skin and hair can have negative effects too. So here we have 3 beauty myths that are untrue.

If you shave your hair it grows back thicker, darker and faster

This is at the top of the list because who hasn’t heard of this myth? Every time we pick up a razor these words haunt us. But fear not because this myth is 100% untrue. Hair growth is determined by the hair follicle and so it is impossible for hair to grow back denser or faster if you shave it. What you can do for gentler hair is exfoliate first, then shave and then moisturise.

People with oily skin don’t need to moisturise

This is completely untrue as well. Not moisturising can lead to even more production of oil from your skin to compensate for it becoming dry, and this could also lead to a breakout. So, use the right moisturiser that will replenish the natural oils in your skin without sitting too heavily. A light gel or water based formula that won’t clog your pores is ideal.

Pulling out grey hair will lead to more growing in its place

Again, this myth is just a myth and very much untrue. Grey hair occurs because with age our body stops producing melanin which is responsible for colour production. So when you do see a grey hair, carefully cut it instead of pulling it out as that may damage your hair follicle.

So, we hope uncovering the truth behind these myths helped you. For more such useful tips, stay tuned.

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