You can keep your under eye concealer from creasing in this crazy heat

Snehha Suresh | May 1, 2018, 08:00 IST
One beauty product we've come to realise we can't live without is our concealer. Our all-in-one product to lighten, brighten and cover-up, we're not sure what our undereye area looks like anymore without it. That being said though, one of the biggest problems we face is the creasing of our concealer in this very sensitive, visible area.

Use face oil before concealing it is one of the best things to do
One of the main reasons we face creasing under our eyes is because of how much more sensitive and dry the area is compared to other parts of our face. A great way to prevent undereye concealer from creasing is to prep the area is by dabbing on a few drops of face oil. This leaves the area super moisturised throughout the day, helping the concealer stay flawless.

Prep the area with a primer
While we may be priming the rest of our face for our base makeup, we probably don't specifically prime the under eye are. Using either your eyeshadow primer or one specifically designed to prevent creasing works well to keep your concealer from settling into your fine lines as the day progresses.

Use a light hand when applying concealer
One way to avoid that is to apply concealer very minimally to start with. It's always a good idea to build up coverage as opposed to having to rub off excess, so start with a bit of concealer and see if you need to add more.

Apply your concealer a little away from your lash line
Right below your lower lash line is exactly where your concealer is likely to crease due to oily buildup and the excessive sensitivity of the area. So make sure you apply the product a little away from your lower lash line.

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