4 tips to follow for a healthy new year

Jehana Antia | Updated: Dec 29, 2017, 12:54 IST
'New Year' brings with it the pressure of resolutions and most of us have resolutions to do with keeping fit and considering our unhealthy lifestyles, it seems fitting. However, do we all follow through with them? No. Hence, today we've got you just four simple tips to keep fit throughout the new year and they don't have to be deemed 'resolutions'.

First off, exercise daily. Promise yourself that you will spend a minimum of 40 minutes on exercise. It could be a nice walk, a jog or even just yoga. You could even take up a sport to keep things active and exciting. The next tip we're dishing out today is to make sure to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation causes you to put on weight, depression and many other issues. Hence, commit to getting at least a good eight hours of peaceful and unhindered sleep. Next, go natural! Make long-term wellness your goal instead of just trying to solve the problem at hand. And lastly, drink enough water. If you want to keep the doctor away, eight glasses of water a day is the way to do it.

Take control of your health in the new year and we assure you that it will be a good one!
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