6 ways to get rid of menstrual cramps

Sakshma Srivastav | Sep 1, 2017, 13:13 IST
Menstrual cramps are the worst. We would slither all day on our bed like a snake, not wanting to talk to anyone as the pain would make us too cranky. We would not make any plans on those days, snap at people for things as trivial as talking loudly, and would want to load in our tummies with heaps and heaps of chocolates and ice creams. But not anymore! Here are five ways in which you can get rid of these monthly monsters!

Here you go:

1. Dark Chocolate:

Many women are unaware of the fact that at the time of the cycle, Magnesium levels in the body keep fluctuating. Craving chocolate is a sign of Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium helps relax the muscles and thus provides relief from cramps. You can opt for dark chocolate having around 80% cocoa content, as it replenishes magnesium levels in the body and curbs the sugar craving. One can opt for leafy vegetables too for Magnesium. Greens, nuts, seeds and wholegrain foods like brown rice and pasta are also an equally preferable choice. You can also choose to go for Magnesium supplement tablets, but I would suggest you to consult a doctor before doing that.

2. Apply heat:

This is probably the most traditional remedy to aiding menstrual cramps. Using hot water bottles, heat bags or over the counter heating patches and pads works for majority of people. This is because heat helps to relax the contracting muscles in the uterus, which is the reason behind menstrual pain.

3. Chamomile Tea:

Several studies have proven that due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this fragrant tea is an excellent solution to menstrual cramps.

4. Exercise:

While doing any kind of exercise, the body pumps more blood. This results in the release of endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins and reduce cramps. Exercising regularly is always good for the body, but it is of special significance if you are prone to menstrual cramps. One doesn’t need to go for weight training necessarily; even a normal brisk walk would work.

5. Fatty Fish:

Fish with high Omega-3 fatty acids content are not only good for the heart, but also carry anti-inflammatory properties that counter cramps and bloating. Also, avoid fried food, too much oil and any sort of junk as they just make the cramps worse

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