A few good reasons to choose a vegan life

Dhwani Vora | Apr 8, 2020, 10:38 IST
By now, all of you might know that veganism is where you have to choose a plant-based diet and not eat animal products including dairy, eggs, gelatin, honey and meat. Although, veganism goes beyond the diet.

It is a lifestyle that tries to bar all kinds of exploitation of animals for food, cruelty or any other purposes as far as possible and practicable.

Here are a few benefits that going vegan will have on your health:

- Enhances mood: People who consume plant foods and whole foods have lesser signs of depression. There are studies that show how vegetarians experience more positive moods than the ones who eat meat.

- Healthy skin: When you eat a plant-based diet, it will boost your beauty regime too by assisting your skin in staying healthy. There are some studies that relate acne issues to dairy products. These products have growth hormones and are also infused with artificial hormones that can rupture your body's hormone system.

- Fewer cardiovascular diseases: Since meat usually contains a higher quantity of saturated and trans-fats, it increases blood cholesterol. Cholesterol can then create fatty deposits in the blood vessels that give you higher risks of heart diseases, peripheral artery disease and stroke. Plant-based foods, on the other hand, have no dietary cholesterol by nature. A diet that is high in fat and cholesterol also inches towards high blood pressure.

- Reduces the risk of diabetes: Researches conclude that a plant-based diet can very much reduce the risk of developing diabetes or reverse the disease entirely. A study found that the people who increased the number of fruits, vegetables and nuts in their diet over the period of 20 years had lesser risks of developing type 2 diabetes by 60% than the ones who did not.
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