Acne on scalp? This is how you can cure it

Sneha Biswas | Apr 9, 2020, 16:02 IST
Ever noticed an unusual swelling on your scalp that can be really painful? Chances are you have acne on your scalp or ‘scalp acne’. Yep! It is a real word for inflammation and irritation caused on the hair follicles due to the overproduction of oil and sebaceous activity in the scalp. Similar to traditional acne, scalp acne can be multiple or just single, scattered throughout the scalp.

The major factors behind acne on the hair scalp can be irritation, bacteria, fungal or other kinds of infections. Sometimes an acne on the scalp is more serious than any other typical breakout. This is more common during summer and can be treated easily with some effective solutions.

While hormones, diet, stress and abnormal immune system majorly contribute to the popping of acne on the skin, the scalp acne often occurs due to clogging of pores from oil-based hair grooming products.Start with cutting down on styling products to let your hair follicles and scalp breathe.

Over-washing hair or not washing them frequently can lead to scalp acne. Make sure you are washing your hair effectively with a mid shampoo. Skipping hair wash after doing an intense workout is a big no-no.

It is best to opt for hair care products that are meant for the sensitive scalp. It can also help to maintain the pH level of the scalp. Look out for ingredients like salicylic acid or sulfur to ward off most scalp infections. However, one must be careful while washing their hair to avoid popping or scratching the acne accidentally.

Sometimes severe scalp acne requires a doctor’s intervention. In such a case, topical medicines and oral prescriptions work best.

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