Affordable summer hacks for this harsh and hot weather

Dhwani Vora | May 7, 2019, 17:40 IST
It isn't everyone's piece of cake to have a luxurious summer each year simply because you can buy florals or try new summer products or even plan a beach vacation. There are people who look out for simpler ways to beat the heat and to at have a decent summer every other year which would suck less. Nevertheless, it is very important to take care of our skin and hair to keep them safe from the harsh sun. And you don't have to worry a lot about spending a lot of money on products. We've got you an affordable hack to keep yourself safe while it's boiling out there.

First things first, moisturize. Your skin is very sensitive and it only becomes important to keep it moisturized at all times. Once you have this sorted, half your skin problems are solved.

Always keep yourself hydrated. Keep and carry water with you wherever you go. Drinking the needed amount of water will only do you good. And if you're someone who loves experimenting, you could also try making flavoured water or fruit juices.

Always keep a habit of exfoliating. Mix sugar and honey together and use it as a scrub. You could also use some oils if you wish to. Exfoliation opens the clogged pores and makes your skin feel gentle and softer.

Always wear sunscreen, in and out of the house. It protects your skin from the super hot weather and sun rays. Since there are a lot of sunscreens available in the market, you cold always make your pick according to your budget.

Eat healthy at all times. You get a variety of fruits, nuts, cereals and pulses to eat in this season and you should totally make use of it to avoid any health issues.

Avoid makeup unless it is a very important occasion to attend. Since it's going to make you sweat, wearing a lot of products on your skin is a bad idea as it can leave you with blackheads and acne. This is the time for you to wear clear skin and keep it away from any chemicals.

These tips are quite basic and very affordable to make use of till this scorching heat doesn't leave.
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