All the benefits quinoa can have on your hair!

Alisha Alam | Nov 12, 2019, 16:10 IST
If you're into super healthy food and consuming the right diet then we're sure you already know what quinoa is. Considered to be a superfood, quinoa has now also started replacing rice as an option since it happens to be gluten-free and is full of the right kind of nutrients and proteins. While quinoa is known to have multiple health benefits, were you aware that it can also do wonders for your hair? Here are all the benefits it can have on your hair.

Gets rid of dandruff and split ends: Since quinoa happens to be rich in minerals like calcium, iron, and phosphorus, it can help seal all the moisture in your scalp and can prevent the occurrence of dandruff. Quinoa can also get rid of split ends owing to all the proteins present in it.

Strengthens your hair: Say hello to strong and healthy hair with the help of quinoa. It contains nine essential amino acids which can protect your hair shaft and can repair your hair. In fact, quinoa is also great for keeping coloured hair intact.

Boosts hair growth: Quinoa is known to promote red blood cell formation which can help provide nourishment to your hair follicles and can boost hair growth.

Can detangle hair: Rich in vitamin E, quinoa can help balance the production of natural oils in your hair and can leave it feeling soft and easy to detangle.

Well, now that you know all that quinoa can do for you, why not start implementing it in your diet? Stay tuned for more updates.
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