01/5You must avoid these food items when you turn 30

You might not feel different when you hit 30 and would still very much continue to do things that you did in your 20s. The body changes regardless of you feeling a difference which can make it harder for you to lose weight and maintain a good shape. This means, you need to make some alterations in the food that you eat and take notes on the ones that you can't. Yes, there is a list of food items that you should absolutely cut down on when you turn 30 as these are the ones that could lead to health problems in the near future. We've got you a list right here to simplify your life.

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by Dhwani Vora

02/5Flavoured yogurt

As much as you'd like to believe that your skin is tight even when you're in your 30s, no product what so ever can change the fact that your skin will begin to age soon. The collagen production and elastin begins to break down which causes fine lines and wrinkles. Hence, you must avoid flavoured yogurts in your 30s as they contains artificial sugars and flavours that can cause sagging and wrinkles on your skin.

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03/5Canned soup

Soups that are canned are laced with BPA which seems to be a chemical that is linked to infertility, weight gain and cancer. So the next time you feel like having a bowl of soup, head to your kitchen and make some for yourself.

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04/5Charred meat

Grilled foods is one of the best ways to whip up a meal quickly. But cooking steaks and other such proteins on high temperatures over an open flame can actually produce heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Both of these chemicals are harmful as they can alter the DNA and increase risks of cancer.

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05/5Breakfast pastries

As much as these can tempt you, breakfast pastries are a big no-no in your 30s. All these sugary muffins and scones could get harmful for you as it could lead to issues when you would want to start with family planning. Sugary diets can cause many health issues like PCOS - a condition that is linked with female infertility or insulin resistance.

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