All the goodness of mushrooms that your skin can achieve

Dhwani Vora | May 20, 2020, 10:31 IST
Mushroom has a whole community of lovers! You can make so many dishes out of mushrooms and it has a lot of health benefits as well. Mushrooms are ideally a type of fungus that is rich in vitamin B and has many minerals like potassium, copper and selenium. Have you thought of considering mushrooms for your beauty purposes? Since mushrooms are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, they are very capable of healing skin conditions.

There's a lot more that you must know of mushrooms when it comes to beauty benefits:

- Mushrooms prevent dehydration: In order to protect your skin from drying and feeling patchy, you need to give it enough hydration. When you apply a moisturizer, it will only help your skin externally. But it is very crucial to maintain the softness of your skin internally too. Mushrooms have an element called a polysaccharide that provides your skin with hydration from the inside which ultimately makes your skin feel soft and radiant.

- Mushrooms lighten the skin: If you're someone who doesn't wish to use chemicals to lighten your skin cells, you can very much rely on mushrooms. The acid in mushrooms has the ability to lighten your skin naturally. Due to tanning and other reasons, your skin tends to lose its radiance and you need to bring it back by lightening the skin cells which can be done with the help of mushrooms.

- Mushrooms help in delaying the signs of aging: Most of the store-bought products that you might use contains mushroom extracts. It helps in reducing or delaying the signs of aging. Mushrooms are packed with kojic acid that has anti-aging properties. This even keeps your skin away from spots and other damages.

- Mushrooms treat acne issues: The extracts of mushrooms are actually used for making skincare products, like mentioned above. The vitamin D that's present in mushrooms helps in improving the appearance of the skin by doing away acne issues and other kind of spots on the skin. To achieve a spotless skin, you can use mushrooms to your rescue.

- Mushrooms help in exfoliation: There are so many different types of mushrooms, some of which are known for keeping dead skin cells at bay. Eating mushrooms is a great way to do that, but you can also make a scrub for your face. For this, you need to soak 5-6 mushrooms for a couple of hours in water. Then, you need to make a paste out of these soaked mushrooms, add 1 tbsp of brown sugar to it and exfoliate your skin twice a week.
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