All the goodness that kombucha tea can bring to your health

Dhwani Vora | Jan 17, 2020, 12:35 IST
You can consume this tea to reduce the risk of heart diseases and kill the damaging bacteria. This tea is made by adding specific strains of bacteria, sugar and yeast to black or green tea which is later left to ferment for a week or more
For the ones who don't know, Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been consumed since ages. It is as similar as drinking the normal tea and this one also has a lot of health benefits. Kombucha tea is rich in antioxidants and probiotics that provides us with the same benefits as that of green tea. You can consume this tea to reduce the risk of heart diseases and kill the damaging bacteria. This tea is made by adding specific strains of bacteria, sugar and yeast to black or green tea which is later left to ferment for a week or more. It is during this process when the bacteria and yeast form a mushroom-like form on the surface of the drink which is why it is also called as Mushroom tea. We're got you a few benefits that this tea can bring to your health.

- Green tea has bioactive compounds which work as a powerful antioxidant in the body. Kombucha, that's made from green tea has some of the same plant compounds and benefits as that of green tea. It helps with weight loss and even controls blood sugar levels.

- Kombucha tea is rich in probiotics which contains the goodness as similar as green tea.

- During fermentation, this tea produces acetic acid that has ample of vinegar. Like the polyphenol compound, acetic acid has got quite the potential to kill damaging microorganisms that include infection-causing bacteria and Candida yeasts.

- Since Kombucha is made of tea, it consists of the same amount of benefits as any other tea that protects the health of our heart.

- Kombucha is also rich in antioxidants that fight with the free radicals that damage our body cells. This tea provides antioxidant effects in the live and saves it from toxicity.
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