All the little alterations that will help you be more productive in 2020

Dhwani Vora | Jan 10, 2020, 13:17 IST
Be it health wise or career wise, all of us have some or the other goals for 2020. If you really wish to put your foot down and anyhow decide to make this year more productive for you, you need to make some alterations that can help you achieve your goals
This year has just begun and most of us have taken some or the other resolutions for this year in order to better ourselves. Be it health wise or career wise, all of us have some or the other goals for 2020. If you really wish to put your foot down and anyhow decide to make this year more productive for you, you need to make some alterations that can help you achieve your goals.

Here's what you can do to make 2020 more productive:

Maintain a planner: This one is a big deal and helps greatly if you really wish to see changes in your year. Putting your thoughts down can help you with everything that you wish to do even more efficiently. Life does get hectic and one way to collect yourself step by step is by maintaining a planner.

Know when to stop: You have to agree that this is the most important thing that a lot of us need to work on. This is, try to leave your work and tension out of your home. Once you're home, you need to make sure hat you aren't thinking or worrying about work. Don't answer emails, don't sit with your laptop and finish some extra work. Don't attend work calls or start with a new project unless you're in the office space.

Keep a check on your screen time: With the amount of time that we all spend on our screens, we should understand that all of us needs to reduce our screen time. Fix your nighttime habit and replace it with your phones or laptops with a light read.

make use of the word 'no': Many of us are weak at refusing someone or something and all of it ultimately only adds more burden on us. Think about yourself this year and be a little selfish to take good care of yourself first. Don't have that conversation or don't go for that outing if you mentally aren't feeling fresh to do so. Surround yourself with like-minded people.
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