01/15Here is a list of productive things you should do this January

The New Year is finally here! While some of you may be hungover from a kickass party, others might already be scrambling to get your resolutions in order. But if there's one thing you absolutely need to do during the month of January it has to be being productive. Why, you ask? Well, that's because if you're productive right at the beginning then you're bound to follow through for the rest of the year too. So, if you're wondering about all the things you can get done, here is a list you should follow.

by Alisha Alam

02/15Sell off anything you don't need

Now that the holiday season has just passed by, we're sure you're looking for ways to earn back at least some of the money you spent. One way to do that is to sell off things that you don't need. You could get rid of clothes, furniture, electronics, accessories, appliances, etc. Put them up online and we bet you'll get a good deal on plenty of your things.

03/15Discuss your financial plans with your partner

Of course, this isn't the only time you should be discussing finances with your partner but figuring out major investments and plans should ideally be discussed at the beginning of the year so that you can be prepared accordingly.

04/15Set up a dentist appointment

Okay, let's just be honest here for a moment. Who doesn't dread going to the dentist? It's probably on everyone's list of least favourite things to do but unfortunately, we've all got only one set of teeth and they require adequate maintenance which is why it is best to go to the dentist at least twice a year to keep a check on your teeth. And there's no better time to do it than at the beginning of the year, is there?

05/15Clean up your medicine cabinet

This one is rather important to do. Now that you might finally have some free time on your hands, clean out your medicine cabinet. Throw away any medicines that might have expired or look like they're unusable (damaged, broken). Stock up on new, fresh medication and divide everything properly to make things more accessible.

06/15Tune-up your car

Just like your body needs a check-up every now and then, your car does too! So, give it for servicing and get it checked properly. Ask them to repair any damages and make upgrades if possible so that there's minimum risk oif damage due to any sort of internal failure in the car.

07/15Learn something new

It could be anything from a new hobby to a new recipe. Trying to learn new things will get the gears in your brain grinding and will keep you feeling active and refreshed. So, for once we suggest you skip all those cute cat videos and watch things that will help you learn something new.

08/15Edit your social media profiles

One really important thing you need to do is to edit and update your social media profiles. Untag yourself from anything you think is not important and make sure to make updates about your workplace. It could also help people get in touch with you quickly.

09/15Clean your fridge

We're sure you must have had a bunch of food stuffed into the refrigerator all the way from Christmas to New Year's, so take out some time, defrost your fridge and give it a good clean up. Get rid of any expired food that you might have and scrub your fridge from top to bottom.

10/15Clean your closet

Let's be honest, we hardly touch our closets once we dump in all our clothes in them. But just like everything else, your closet also deserves attention from time to time. So, pull out all your clothes, get rid of anything you don't wear anymore and rearrange everything in a neat manner. Once you're done, you'll feel a lot better about your stuff.