01/5Find out what can happen to you from drinking water after eating fruits

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but are you drinking water right after eating your apples? If that’s what you’re practicing then there are high chances that you might actually land up at the doctor’s clinic. No doubt fruits are highly nutritious, packed with vitamins and mineral components to benefit our health, but the absorption of these nutrients depends on a few factors. One such factor is the timing of your fruit intake. It has been seen that fruit requires ample time for better absorption of its nutrients. Drinking water immediately after eating fruit can not only obstruct the digestion process but can also cause health problems. Here are some of the things that can happen to you from drinking water after eating fruits. Photo credit: Google

by Sneha Biswas


Drinking water after eating fruit can interrupt the proper functioning of digestive juices and enzymes. This blunder in the digestive process can give rise to severe acidity followed by heartburn sensations.

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Water in stomach right after eating any kind of fruit can lead to indigestion or acid reflux. It can slow down the entire adsorption of essential nutrients from the fruits. This can be very uncomforatble.

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04/5High blood sugar level

With a high chance of indigestion, this deadly food combination can cause high blood sugar levels and insulin levels. In the long run, there are high chances of developing diabetes and obesity from this condition.

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05/5Stomach cramps

The fructose and yeast from fruit mixed with water can result in painful stomach cramps. This can also result in the formation of gas in the stomach which can increase the intensity of the stomach cramps, if not treated immediately.

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