01/7Yes, men too need to pay attention to skincare

Unlike women, most men do not have a ‘skincare routine’ (even though they must). Also, most dermatologists believe that getting men to have a skincare routine can be quite the task. Today, we have brought you skincare tips all men should know for better and healthier skin.

by Jehana Antia

02/7Do not forget to moisturise

Lotion should be an automatic step two after cleansing and washing your face. Ensure you apply the moisturiser whilst your skin is damp and moist. Most face lotions are oil-based, which work well for guys with normal skin—and they’re a must for dry or flaky skin, especially in the winter. If you have oily skin, look for a water-based moisturiser.

by Jehana Antia

03/7Forget old shaving traditions

While not all shaving traditions are bad, some are pretty archaic being passed on from word of mouth through generations. For example, shaving after you shower and using shaving cream will reduce irritation. Men should also break away from some habits that can cause facial irritation and scarring, like shaving against the grain and using aftershave.

by Jehana Antia

04/7Sunscreen every day, even in winter

The harmful effects that come with the exposure to (UV) rays don’t change whether you are a man or a woman, hence dermatologists believe that men too must wear sunscreen every single day. Also, wearing sunscreen in winter is vital too. Just because you might not feel the suns rays as much, the rays are affecting you despite the dip in temperatures.

by Jehana Antia

05/7Soap-free is the way to be

Keeping your skin looking healthy is important and to do that, going with a soap-free cleanser is perfect! A skincare expert said that using a non-soap cleanser at least once a day helps keep your face clean without damaging skin or drying it out. Soap-free cleansers are mild on the skin too.

by Jehana Antia

06/7Add a retinoid cream to your night routine

Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A. Research has shown they decrease acne, decrease skin oil levels and increase collagen production in the skin—which can be helpful for the very fine lines and wrinkles. They also help combat sun damage and skin issues.

by Jehana Antia

07/7Stop looking at labels

Forget the ‘brand’ and go with products that best suit you and your skin. Dermatologists believe that while products are packaged differently, their ingredients are more or less the same and hence, it should be much of a task to find a product that best suits you from an array of very similar products.
Men, we hope you’ll will keep these pointers in mind for healthy skin.

by Jehana Antia