01/5Want amazing abs? Here are some things you need to do

Who doesn't want to be fit and healthy right? In today's time of junk food and binge-watching shows on the couch, you need to be extra active and alert. One good thing that can come out of regular exercise and diet is that you can actually get amazing abs. While you may think that it is just a distant dream, all you need to do is to start by strengthening your core. Once that happens, getting abs is not all that difficult. Then you need to work on getting rid of that paunch. Here are a few tips that will help get you started on getting those amazing abs. Take a look.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Say no to carbs

Carbohydrates are the leading cause of all that fat stored in your body. Try to avoid consuming foods that are rich in sugars and starches. So, foods like bread, rice, sweets, packed fruit juice, yoghurt, beans, potatoes, corn, soda etc all need to be cut down on. Make sure that you eat food in limited portions and don't overdo things.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Detox your life

If you're feeling stressed or anxious all the time, you're bound to eat things to make yourself feel better. Try to opt for activities that can help make you feel calm like meditating, yoga or swimming. You could even opt for dancing or just take your dog for long walks instead. The clearer your mind is, the better your body will be too.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Stay hydrated

One of the most important things when it comes to losing weight is to stay hydrated. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Not only will it keep you refreshed and flush out all the toxins from your body but it will also help you stay more active and focused.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Consume proteins

Now, that you'll have to cut down on carbs, you'll need to make up for all that lost energy with proteins. Try to opt for baked or grilled chicken and fish, skimmed milk, boiled eggs and steamed vegetables. Tofu, lentils and beans will also work.

by Alisha Alam