All the things you need to know about consuming watermelon seeds

Dhwani Vora | May 19, 2020, 11:27 IST
Not just the pulp of watermelon but even the seeds of the fruit can be consumed. Although, almost all of us remove the seeds before eating the main fruit. But, the seeds are actually edible too and they even have good benefits on our health.

Here's all that you need to know about the health benefits of watermelon seeds:

- Watermelon seeds can give you stronger bones as it contains manganese, copper and potassium. These minerals help in improving bone density. The micro-nutrients can also boost the metabolism.

- The seeds are really low in calorie count while being rich in micro-nutrients like iron, folate, zinc, potassium, copper and magnesium. All of which work really well for your body. The seeds also have the ability to boost your immunity. Since they contain magnesium, they even help in managing your blood pressure and hypertension.

- You can consume watermelon seeds even via your hair care and skincare. The protein and iron that is present in these seeds help in improving the texture as well as your hair quality. The antioxidants that the seeds contain can very much help in keeping your skin feel youthful. The watermelon seed oil is also considered as a very important ingredient of cosmetic products and it can also treat acne and slow down early aging.

This is how you use watermelon seeds:

- Take the seeds out of the fruit and keep it to dry.
- Roast them in a pan and sort them out in an airtight container.
- A few days later, you can start snacking on these healthy seeds.
- They are very nutritious and you can even use them in salads as well as in a powdered form.
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