01/11Relationship 101: Your boyfriend wants you to be honest with him about these things

When you are mad at him: We can't stress enough on the fact that people aren't mind readers. If you're mad at your boyfriend about something and he hasn't realised it, just be honest with him about it. Rather than taunting him and waiting for him to figure things out, just tell him the truth. Trust us, he will appreciate it and will try and correct his mistakes.

by Alisha Alam

02/11The way you actually look

Your boyfriend really doesn't care whether you choose to cake your face with makeup or not. He loves you for who you are not for how you look. So, it's okay to show him your natural beauty. They'll like it when they see you wake up with messy hair and puffy eyes instead of always looking polished and poised all the time.

by Alisha Alam

03/11Your past

Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to reveal every deep secret of yours to him, but if you want him to trust you, you're going to have to tell him the truth about your past. So, you can talk to him about your childhood, your past relationships, any troubles that you've had to face etc. He'll be there for you through it all.

by Alisha Alam

04/11When you want to set certain boundaries

Just because you love someone doesn't mean you need to be joined at the hip with them. Sometimes it's okay to just want some me time. So, if you feel like he's imposing on your personal space, you should just tell him and set some boundaries. As long as you're both okay with it, it really won't affect your relationship.

by Alisha Alam

05/11About your goals for your future

Every once in a while, it may happen that your life goals don’t align with your partner. But it doesn’t have to mean that you break things off. Making room for a compromise is possible, in most cases. But a decision that alters your entire lives – having kids, getting married – may not be so easy to work around. So whatever it is, be it your career choice that might take you to another city, or your choice of not have kids – be honest. It’s the right thing to do.

by Miss Kyra

06/11About the things that make you happy

We’re all uniquely different individuals with weird quirks. While some of us may enjoy some alone time in a day, others may just need a cuddle. Being honest about this will leave no room for confusion. Do not let your fear of judgement stop you from being honest. It is ideal to be honest about your quirks right from the beginning. Doing so will pave way for a happy, supportive relationship.

by Miss Kyra

07/11About your allergies and dietary restrictions

This may sound weird, but hear us out. With relationships revolving around the meals we eat, it’s important to discuss the foods that don’t sit well with you. You don’t want your partner to spend an entire afternoon making a meal for you that you can’t even eat, or worse – have a near-miss accident just because you failed to mention a few vital details about you.

by Miss Kyra

08/11When you feel ignored

Conversation is the key to having a good relationship. Often we end up worrying about things that might not need so much attention. So, don't wait for your boyfriend to figure out that things are wrong. Tell him that you're feeling ignored and he'll listen to your concerns. Or maybe you'll just realise there was nothing to worry about in the first place.

by Alisha Alam

09/11When you feel jealous and possessive

If there's a certain someone in your boyfriend's life that you don't like too much, you can tell him. Jealousy and possessiveness is a natural feeling. But rather than constantly wondering what might happen, it is better to just talk to him about these things beforehand.

by Alisha Alam

10/11When you aren't too comfortable around his friends

Everybody wants their SO to be able to hang out with their friends. But often, things aren't so easy. Sometimes it just isn't possible to initiate a conversation with someone you aren't friends with. So, tell your boyfriend that you're having a hard time hanging out around his friends and let him decide whether he can break the ice for you guys or if it's just better that he meets them by himself.

by Alisha Alam