01/5Here's how Vitamin C can make your skin glow

Vitamin C is one of the most sought-after ingredients when it comes to skincare. Known for its amazing properties, we've seen this ingredient in multiple skincare and beauty products, especially in serums and moisturisers. What's really great about products that contain Vitamin C is that they can also be teamed with other products and can thus boost the benefits your skin gets. So, if you're wondering just how Vitamin C can help your skin, here are all the ways in which it can make your skin glow.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Reduces hyperpigmentation

A lot of people have hyperpigmentation issues on their skin. These can arise due to a plethora of reasons like hormonal changes or even genetic issues. Melanin is what produces colour in our skin and an imbalance in melanin is what can lead to hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C can help reduce melanin production in your skin and can thus reduce hyperpigmentation as well.

03/5Reduces redness on your skin

Our skin often turns red when it gets inflamed due to some infection or other skin issue. Vitamin C contains anti-inflammatory properties and is also a source of antioxidants which can help fight infections. And so it can help reduce redness on your skin and give it an even tone and texture.

04/5Contains anti-ageing properties

As we age our skin starts to age too and thus the signs of ageing become rather evident. This might include things like wrinkles, fine lines, spots, blemishes etc. Vitamin C can help boost collagen production in the skin which can help in making your skin more firm while improving its elasticity. And this, in turn, can help reduce the signs of ageing.

05/5Can protect your skin against sun damage

One of the leading causes of skin issues is the damage caused to it by the sun's harmful rays. Vitamin C contains antioxidants that can help provide a layer of protection against the sun. So, the next time you decide to invest in sunscreen, opt for one that contains Vitamin C or just mix your sunscreen with a few drops of Vitamin C serum.