All the ways in which you can deal with pushy in-laws

Alisha Alam | Dec 10, 2019, 11:15 IST
We're well past those days when people actually lived together in joint families and did pretty much everything together. Now, is the time of nuclear families where the kids often move out once they get married. But that doesn't mean one shouldn't get to know their in-laws well. After all, you will have to deal with them at one point.

And let's be honest. Indian parents have a habit of being a little too involved in their children's lives and this can prove to be a problem for the person their son or daughter gets married to. But instead of creating a fuss about how particular they're being about certain things, wouldn't it be better to learn to deal with them the right way? The post-wedding phase is when you should try your best to get to know them and help them understand what kind of a person you are. Here are a few ways in which you can deal with pushy in-laws.

Remember they're not your parents: Firstly, you must keep in mind that your in-laws are not your parents. You need to give them the same respect that you give your parents but you cannot expect them to treat you like their own child. There will be times when they might taunt you about things that they don't like but instead of getting upset about everything learn to take things with a pinch of salt. If it gets to be too much you could always just sit them down and talk to them about it.

Give them importance: As we mentioned, your in-laws might not be your parents but they do deserve to be involved in your decisions. So, although you may not believe that they know what's best for you and your family, do make sure to ask for their opinion irrespective of what you decide to do later. This way, at least they'll feel like you're giving them the importance they deserve.

Be assertive while being polite: Once you get married, you need to let them get to know you and we mean to know you properly. So, if they're trying to be pushy about certain things you don't like, be clear about it so that later on they don't have the same expectations from you. And do remember to do things politely. For example, if your in-laws want you to wear something for a particular occasion and you believe it's too tacky for your taste, you could just say something like, "Oh, this is great but I'm not sure if I have the right body-type for this". Be assertive but also be polite. They'll get the idea eventually.

Well, we hope these tips will come in handy. Stay tuned for more updates.
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