01/5Want to exfoliate your skin? These tips will help you do that from head to toe!

We're taught that our skin cells renew and rejuvenate pretty rapidly. Now, if you're wondering what happens to all those dead skin cells, they don't just magically disappear. Instead, what happens is that they can stick to your skin and make it greasy and oily which can easily lead to breakouts. So, what should be done to avoid this? One way to get rid of all those dead skin cells is to exfoliate your skin regularly. Not only will it prevent unnecessary breakouts but it will also keep your skin free from infections. Plus, you end up with a glow. But exfoliating varies from one part of your body to the other. So, if you're looking to exfoliate, these tips will help you do just that and from head to toe. Take a look.

by Alisha Alam


One of the best things you can do for your scalp is to massage it when you're shampooing it. Just give your scalp a good 2-3 minute massage and all that dirt, grime and sweat should come right off. You could also opt for a scalp brush. Not only will it get rid of impurities but it will also improve blood circulation. Ideally, do this every alternate day or at least after two days.

by Alisha Alam


Invest in a quality face scrub of your choice. Make sure you opt for one that works best for your skin like a neem scrub for oily skin. Apply this scrub and exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. Don't overdo it though or it could cause damage to your skin.

by Alisha Alam


Yes, your lips need exfoliating too. It'll keep impurities at bay and will give you soft and luscious lips. Make a scrub using sugar and petroleum jelly and exfoliate your lips. Do this twice every week and you'll end up with a kissable pout in no time.

by Alisha Alam


Invest in a pumice stone or a loofah and scrub your body once in two days using it. Make sure to use them on the sensitive areas like your underarms or behind your knees and even on your elbows and feet. Don't press too hard, just let the rough surface do its job.

by Alisha Alam