01/5Want to make an amazing salad? Here are some tips!

How many times have you decided that you're going to start eating salads at least once a day so that you can opt for a healthier lifestyle? And how many times have you given up after just one day? That's because most of us tend to opt for boring, bland salads that don't really satisfy our tastebuds. But that really doesn't mean that salads can't taste absolutely fantastic. Think we're being overly optimistic? Try these tips and see for yourself. You'll end up with amazing salads you'd want to gorge on every day.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Opt for a variety of textures

Just like your normal dishes, you need to include a variety of ingredients and textures in your salads as well. Mix your crumbly cheese with some chia seeds or your feta cheese with some honey; add apples and breadcrumbs to your salad or throw in some roasted peanuts and so on. There are literally a ton of options you can opt for to mix and blend ingredients in your salad.

03/5Mix the tastes up

Don't just opt for something super bland or super sweet or super spicy because after a few bites you'll get super annoyed and want to throw all of it away. As we mentioned earlier, mix and blend ingredients to make something that has balance. Mix sweet and salty stuff together, add something bland if you're using something spicy too and so on.

04/5Use the right dressing

Opting for the right dressing is of utmost importance. Make sure you figure out what works best for you. Figure out which type of oils you like, add salt and pepper or opt for vinegar if you want. You could even try umami flavours like miso and garlic.

05/5Make it as appealing as possible

No matter what it is that you're eating, unless it looks good you won't feel like eating it. Try to use a variety of colours in your salad like tomatoes or strawberries for reds, cucumbers or apples for green, sweet corn or bell peppers for yellow, blueberries or grapes for blue and purple hues and some cheese for a touch of white.