Always feeling tired and sleepy? You may have a vitamin D deficiency

Darielle Britto | May 15, 2019, 12:12 IST
Our bodies require vitamin D in order to maintain the health of our muscles, bones and teeth. This vitamin also monitors the amount of calcium and phosphate that is in the body. However, when we have a vitamin D deficiency, it could lead to serious health conditions. In some extreme cases, patients may suffer from osteomalacia, rickets and deformities.

Some of the vitamin D symptoms include extreme tiredness, feeling sleepy all the time and experiencing pain or aches. While many people in this day and age feel exhausted and sleepy due to burnout and insufficient sleep, some people may have a different reason for experiencing these symptoms. If you are feeling exhausted even after you have had enough rest, you may have a vitamin D deficiency. You could also experience muscle weakness and chronic pain.

"Vitamin D deficiency occurs when a person either does not consume enough vitamin D or when their body cannot absorb and metabolise the vitamin D they do consume," stated a news portal. Adding, "The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be vague, may change over time, and are similar to symptoms of a wide range of ailments."

However, researchers note these symptoms could also stem from anxiety and stress. It is therefore important to get tested for vitamin D deficiency or consult with a doctor to figure out what in your everyday life may be causing these issues.

Previous research has found the type of work you do can also play a role in you having a vitamin D deficiency. This is especially true for people who work night shifts and indoors. "Our results suggest that occupation is a major factor that may contribute to suboptimal vitamin D levels. Regular screening of vitamin D levels in at-risk groups should be considered for future clinical practice guidelines and public health initiatives," lead author of the study Dr Sebastian Straube told a news portal. Adding, "Workplace wellness programs could include education about the importance of adequate vitamin D levels. This could help prevent adverse health outcomes linked to vitamin D deficiency, such as metabolic disorders, psychiatric and cardiovascular disorders, and cancer."

You could take a supplement to get the right amount of the vitamin or consume more vitamin D rich foods like fish, eggs and mushrooms.
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