01/9Do try to avoid these foods for better weight loss results

Colas are loaded with sugar and even the diet versions have harmful artificial sweeteners and unhealthy dyes which is harmful to your health. It can affect your ovulation and sperm motility and reduce fertility. Instead, opt for fruit-infused water or lemon water.

by Snehha Suresh

02/9Flavoured Yoghurt

It's no secret that post 30 years of age your skin starts to reduce its collagen production which can lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. While it may not be possible to slow down your ageing process, it is still very much possible to keep it glowing and looking radiant for long after you've turned 30. The key is to avoid sugar as that can cause your skin to sag. And flavoured yoghurts contain a lot of sugar, which is why you must try and avoid consuming them.

by Alisha Alam

03/9Canned Soups

Sodium can also cause the skin to start sagging and can also cause high blood pressure. Most of the canned soups that you get in the market contain 40% of the day’s recommended salt intake in just one serving. So, it's best that you avoid drinking canned soups.

by Alisha Alam

04/9Protein Bars

We know protein bars are supposed to be healthy, but the amount of protein one requires as they age is a lot more than most protein bars can offer. On an average, a person requires 20 to 30 grams of protein to be consumed during each meal while most protein bars only provide about 10 grams. So, opt for healthy, homemade protein shakes instead.

by Alisha Alam


Margarine is an alternative to butter but it also contains plenty of trans fat. Not only is that super unhealthy for your body, but it also affects your skin and makes it more prone to be damaged by the sun's rays. What's more is that it may also contribute to wrinkle formation on your skin, so it's best to avoid it.

by Alisha Alam


Do avoid biscuits as they are loaded with empty calories and just serve to cause weight gain. While you can easily process such foods in your 20s but in your 30s it may seem tougher especially as you have to exercise more to lose the same amount of weight.

by Snehha Suresh


As you age, the metabolism in your body tends to suffer and the hangovers become more severe and there is a lower tolerance for alcohol. It can also affect your sleep patterns, add wrinkles to your skin, and cause weight gain.

by Snehha Suresh


Chips and fries contain a lot of salt which raises sodium levels which can, in turn, increase your blood pressure as well as cause dehydration and skin sagging. Also, do avoid canned soup which contains almost 40% of your daily sodium intake, you can make some homemade soup for yourself.

by Snehha Suresh

09/9White bread

Apparently refined carbohydrates are converted by the body into sugar and glucose, which breaks down collagen and proteins and can cause wrinkles. So it is better to opt for whole grains instead of white bread which will help you keep your blood sugar levels in check and will help to maintain your weight.

by Snehha Suresh