Back pain patterns could pave the way for personalised treatments: Study

Darielle Britto | Jan 15, 2019, 13:24 IST
After analysing the patterns in back pain, researchers have identified key factors that can help personalise treatments for different patients. Millions around the world suffer from back pain, which is a common problem.

For the study, researchers interviewed 12,782 participants over the course of two years. They also had to provide information regarding pain, disability, healthcare trips, comorbidities and use of medication, including opioid.

After a follow-up, nearly 16 years later, close to half noted they experienced back pain at least once. Those who experienced pain multiple times were found to have a disability and more pain. They also took a lot more medication and had healthcare visits frequently.

Those in the recovery group had increased their use of antidepressants and opioids over a period of time.

"The good news is that one in five people with back pain recovered; however, they continued to use opioids and antidepressants, suggesting that people recovering from back pain need ongoing monitoring, " Mayilee Canizares, University Health Network’s Krembil Research Institute in Canada, told a news portal. Adding, "The bad news was that one in five experienced persistent back pain, with an additional group -- almost one in three -- who developed back pain over time."

Canizares further noted: "These two groups were associated with greater pain limiting activity, disability, and depression, as well as increased healthcare and medication use."

Rather than having a one size fits all approach to treating back pain, the study's findings suggest that people with back pain would greatly benefit from various approaches to heal from the problem.
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