Beauty ingredients you must stay away from if you have sensitive skin

Alisha Alam | Jul 19, 2020, 11:13 IST
Every skin type has its own problems but the one skin type that's the hardest to deal with has to be sensitive skin. Whether it's random itching or a burst of rashes all over, sensitive skin types are no stranger to these type of skin issues. What's even more difficult is that it becomes exceptionally hard to pick out the right kind of product for your skin.

One wrong move and your skin will end up with a whole new kind of problem. So, if you're tired and fed up of experimenting with your skin, here are some beauty ingredients that you absolutely must stay away from if you have sensitive skin. Trust us, this really will make things a whole lot easier for you.

Harsh exfoliants: Anything that has ingredients like walnut shells or apricot seed powder and so on can prove to be extremely harsh for people with sensitive skin. This kind of exfoliants can end up doing more damage than good by making tears in your skin. So, instead of using these try to use natural exfoliants like lactic acid, or opt for something chemical-based instead with the help of a dermatologist.

Fragrant products: Everyone likes products that smell good. But have you ever wondered why your skin starts to act up every time you use these products? Turns out, fragrant products are often made using harsh chemicals and these can be really bad for your skin. And that means they're even worse for people with sensitive skin. So, say no to these and make sure to opt for products that are labelled fragrance-free or unscented since those will be a lot better for your skin.

Essential oils: As much as everyone claims that these oils are just fabulous and amazing, people with sensitive skin should really just stay away from them. Essential oils can be pretty harsh and drying for sensitive skin types. From rashes and red bumps, they can lead to all sort of skin issues. So, try to dilute them with carrier oils before using them if you absolutely have to, but if you can, try and avoid them altogether.

So, now that you know what ingredients you must avoid, pay attention to the labels of your skincare products and choose wisely. Stay tuned for more updates.
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