Benefits you are likely to experience within one week of starting a vegan diet

Miss Kyra | Nov 13, 2018, 17:58 IST
Good heart health depends on many factors. It is important to exercise, get adequate sleep, limit stress, and eat a healthy diet. Every year more and more people are making the decision to go vegan and for good reason! There are so many amazing ways in which veganism can improve our lives – fantastic health benefits, less stress on our environment, more efficient ways to use our resources, and many more! Here are several benefits of having a vegan diet:

1. It can give a glow to your skin

Several vegans reported that the impact on their skin was immediate—and amazing. The change in diet really seemed to clear complexion, Nutritious plant foods are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants, water, chlorophyll, and vitamin E, which all do amazing things for your skin.

2. It enriches your body with protein

That protein is good for your body is no surprise. It may be a surprise to learn that most Americans eat too much protein and in forms such as red meat that is not a healthy way of getting protein. Beans, nuts, peas, lentils, and soy products are all great ways to get the right amount of protein in a vegan diet.

3. It can help you lose excess weight

When you switch to a more plant-based diet, you automatically consume fewer calories because plants have a lower calorie density than animal-derived foods. This means that you actually have to eat a larger volume of food in order to get all the calories you need. This eventually leads to weight-loss.

4. It's linked to a lower risk of heart disease

Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fibre is linked to a lower risk of heart disease. All of these are generally eaten in large amounts in well-planned vegan diets. Observational studies comparing vegans to vegetarians and the general population report that vegans may benefit from up to a 75% lower risk of developing high blood pressure. Vegans may also have up to a 42% lower risk of dying from heart disease.
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