01/13You can implement these anti-ageing tips at any age

As you grow older, your skin starts to age as well and that means the appearance of wrinkles, spots and blemishes start to show. Now, obviously, we can't possibly slow down the process of ageing but that doesn't mean we can't slow down its appearance on your skin. There are a few simple tips you can start today to keep your skin looking youthful. The best part is you can start no matter what your age. Here are some of the best anti-ageing tips to try no matter what your age.

by Darielle Britto

02/13Consume foods that protect against the sun

While you must always wear sunscreen before you step out of your house we also suggest consuming foods that work just as effectively as your sunscreen. Tomato paste works well and you could also try consuming green tea. Plus, if you want to give yourself a treat, high-quality dark chocolate works too.

03/13Move those muscles

When you exercise more often, it releases a compound called IL 15, which prevents cell death. Owing to this, your skin cells stay healthier for much longer which is why people who exercise often look a lot more youthful too.

04/13Exfoliate twice a week

By exfoliation, we mean by a gentle chemical exfoliant. Encouraging the sheading of dead skin cells speeds up the growth of new ones. Young skin is smooth and reflects the light better whereas older skin tends to be rougher which refracts light, so regular exfoliation will help you maintain your radiance and a bright youthful glow.

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05/13Always remove your makeup

Never go to bed with an uncleansed face - it's undoubtedly ageing given that it immediately clogs (and stretches) pores and over time causes collagen breakdown. Use a balm or a gentle foam cleanser in the shower - they take your makeup off as well and rinse off clean. Easy!

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06/13Get more beauty sleep

When you're tired you tend to get stressed easily and crave junk food – both of which are notorious agers. Not only does getting 8 hours shut-eye minimise this, when you sleep your skin repairs itself and new cells grow to replace older ones. The growth hormone functions only at night, so beauty sleep is more than a myth – it's why humans are diurnal.

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07/13Opt for some vitamin A

One of the best things you can do for your skin is to incorporate some Vitamin A in your skincare routine. The easiest way to do this is by applying topical creams that are infused with Vitamin A. “An easy at-home regimen would be using a retinol cream,” says an expert.

08/13Say no to sugar

Sugar is the major trigger behind acne and breakouts on your skin. In fact, consuming too much sugar can also lead to sagging skin because it makes your skin lose its elasticity. “Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of lean protein and vegetables and avoid sugar,” an expert says.

09/13Hydrate as much as you can

Experts recommend that you should drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Water can help flush out toxins from your system and this, in turn, can help keep your skin looking clean and youthful. “Not drinking enough can result in an increased appearance of wrinkles and lines and creates more dry areas and dullness,” says a nutritionist.

10/13Apply retinoids

Retinol can do wonders for the skin and help you maintain that youthful glow. Retinoids and retinol have been used for their anti-ageing effects for years. "They can attach to most skin cells and tell them to behave like younger healthier versions of themselves," expert clinical facialist Kate Kerr told a news portal. A study published in the Archives of Dermatology also found retinol can increase the production of collagen, which helps to reduce signs of ageing.

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