Best pre-workout supplements you should try

Darielle Britto | May 14, 2019, 12:56 IST
Fatigue and low energy are major reasons many people are not motivated to stick to a fitness routine. However, a pre-workout supplement may help tackle those issues and give you a big boost of energy.

However, picking out the right one can be hard given that there is a range of supplements on the market. The key to figuring out the right one for you is to first consider the type of workout you want to do. This is because certain ingredients in pre-workout supplements may only improve the performance of certain aspects of a specific exercise.

Here are a few supplements that target a specific type of exercise.

1. Creatine

Creatine is a popular is a dietary supplement and is also a molecule found in cells. It is often used to build strength and power. Multiple studies have found it can be beneficial to improve exercise performance and increase muscle mass. One study found that people who take creatine as a supplement have 5 to 10 per cent higher strength gain from a weight training program than those who do not take it. Creatine is a supplement to consider if you want to increase muscular strength. The recommended dose for this supplement is 20 grams a day.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine is popularly found in coffee and tea. It works to stimulate some parts of the brain to make you more alert alertness and feel less exhausted. Caffeine is also an ingredient that is found in many pre-workout supplements. This is because it has the ability to improve many different aspects of one workout. For one, it helps to increase power, as well as improve performance during long-duration endurance activity. While caffeine is relatively safe, it can cause dizziness, sweating and vomiting if the dose is too high. This is because people respond to different levels of caffeine differently. Therefore it is best to start with a low dose.

3. Beta-Alanine

If you are trying to tackle issues like muscle fatigue, then beta-alanine, an amino acid, just maybe what will work for you. It helps to tackle the build up of acid in your body. As a supplement, it has been found to help improve concentration and exercise performance. However, some studies suggest it may also be effective for long-term endurance exercise. The recommended dose for this supplement is four to six grams per day.

4. Citrulline

Even though our bodies naturally produce citrulline, you can also derive it from certain foods and supplements. Increasing the levels of it in the body have been found to improve exercise performance. This is because it helps to supply muscles with nutrients and oxygen that is needed to perform physical activities. One study found cyclists biked close to 12 per cent longer after taking citrulline.

While all the supplements mentioned have loads of benefits, it is better to consult with a doctor before taking them.
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