Better your posture by keeping these things in mind

Dhwani Vora | Sep 12, 2019, 16:47 IST
Maintaining a good posture is as important as maintaining good health. We're all told to sit and stand properly and not to slouch. A good posture is associated with looking good and slouching will only lead to all kinds of pain and other bodily issues. Hence, it's very important to maintain a good posture and keep your neck and back aligned and comfortable. But with our constant use of phones and laptops over desk jobs, it gets difficult to always take care of our posture.

Hence, exercising your shoulders and your neck at regular intervals will release the stiffness and the tension in those areas. It will get the blood flowing and also help the muscles from getting tired too easily.

- Back support: Since most of our jobs require sitting for long hours we often fail to provide our back with enough support. The lower back thus starts paining on a daily basis. Our lower back plays a very important role in balancing our posture and so, providing it some kind of proper support with a back cushion or a pillow will only loosen the stiffness that it feels through the day.

- Yoga: We all know how yoga can work wonders for our body health. Sitting erect and stretching your upper body at regular intervals will help your body from getting tired. Take some 10 to 15 minutes and practice easy yoga exercises and you'll see how your body starts to feel so light.

- Study table: If you have a study table in your house, always make use of only that when you feel the need to work. Working on a bed or a couch will never ensure good posture and you'll only get annoyed with all kinds of pain that you will suffer through in a couple of hours. Sitting on a chair while having your laptop on the table will give you a good posture and not tire your body as much.

- Avoid heels: Wearing heels for longer hours will only give you major pain due to wrong posture. Take the extra load off of your back and provide it with proper support by wearing good quality shoes which can give your feet some good rest as well.
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