01/13Period bloating is such a bad feeling. Here's how you deal with it

Period bloating is such a bad feeling. Here's how you deal with it

Period bloating is amongst the worst things that you can go through because it literally happens every month. It leaves you with that uncomfortable feeling you get in your stomach where your belly looks fatter and you feel constipated at all times. And what's worse is that it can start even before your period does. So, if you're wondering how you can get rid of all that unnecessary bloating, here are some tips that will help you out. Take a look.


02/13Cut back on caffeine and alcohol

Cut back on caffeine and alcohol

“Pre-menstrually, alcohol can enhance PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, mood swings, and bloating,” says an expert. And coffee can be just as bad because not only does it dehydrate you but it also irritates your bowels which can leave your stomach with water retention.


03/13Say no to carbonated or sugary drinks

Say no to carbonated or sugary drinks

We're sure you might be thinking that drinking a few fizzy drinks could help make you feel less bloated but rest assured they do the exact opposite. “Don’t let brands that use artificial sweeteners fool you—they too cause you to puff up like a blowfish,” says an expert.




Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which aids digestion and helps to breakdown protein. Eating a few slices of this fruit daily can help tackle bloating issues. You could even toss it in a salad and have it for lunch at work. Consume this fruit regularly if your bloating issues are bad.

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Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties and anti-spasmodic qualities. Multiple studies have discovered it can be an effective treatment for bloating. There are many ways to consume ginger - in tea, on its own or with grilled fish. You can even add it to a nice warm and comforting curry.

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Asparagus is packed with probiotics, which can help improve digestion issues. You can grill this lean veggie with lemon juice. You could even blanch them and consume it as a snack. Better yet, consume it with your morning eggs. Consuming it regularly should help tackle bloating.

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07/13Don't skip workout

Don't skip workout

You might not want to workout at all when you're on your periods, but that can actually help you get rid of bloating. When you sweat it out, you help your stomach to stay away from constipation. Lighter workout like swimming or yoga could also work. Stay away from high-intensity workouts like Cross-fit as it can increase inflammation.


08/13Don't consume foods that can give you gas

Don't consume foods that can give you gas

Foods like broccoli, letuce, cabbage and cauliflower can give you gas which can bloat your stomach. And since you already feel a lot of bloating during periods, it's a bad idea to have any such food that can give you more bloating.


09/13Drink more water

Drink more water

Drinking lots of water when you're bloating during periods will help you get rid of the bloated feeling. Carry a water bottle with you at all times and sip on some throughout the day. Of course, there's no specific amount of water mentioned as it all depends on person to person.


10/13Ginger lemon tea is good for the stomach

Ginger lemon tea is good for the stomach

Another way to tone down your bloating is to consume ginger lemon tea. It soothes down the digestive system and reduces water retention. One warm cup of ginger tea every day while you're bleeding will make you feel a lot better.
