01/5How far can you go to cure your acne?

Stubborn acne is a worldwide problem for everyone that doesn’t just occur to teenagers. From mild to severe inflammation, most of the people must have experienced some amount of breakout on their skin at some point. While a permanent cure to acne is still an unknown secret that everyone is still trying to discover, some people have gone too far to cure their acne by using various methods. Do they work you ask? Well, we don’t have much say in it since we haven’t tried them personally. What we know is all of them are shocking and bizarre to be true. Find out here.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Nappy/Diaper cream

This hack was again encouraged by Redditor and one of the popular DIY guru on YT, Farah Dhukai with the claims that it can cure and lighten acne scars. However, it can also cost heavy for people with sensitive skin. It can clog pores and do worse to your acne.

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03/5Bird poo

Bird poop is believed to improve skin condition. More specifically nightingale dropping can heal your skin from inflammations and fade any scaring to improve your texture. Before putting gross excreta of birds one must consider how dirty they can be. Droppings are always contaminated leading to several diseases like psittacosis, salmonella and so on. Eww!

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04/5Kitty litter

Cat litter is a popular solution to reduce acne inflammations, even Beauty guru Michelle Phan had once endorsed it. It is said to work great for people with oily to combination skin. Although, it can not only be too drying for people with dry skin but also the clay granules from the litter can cause microscopic tears to the skin.

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05/5Snail mucin

Snail slime or mucin is now popular in many Korean products due to its skin regeneration profile. It is known for fighting off signs of aging and also prevents acne. It can ward off the appearance of acne scars as well. While there’s no such potential risk to using snail mucus, the active compound in a snail’s slime can differ from other snails, Environmental factors can also affect the quality of the slime. Since the potency levels are still under debate, one must not try to DIY this trick at home.

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