01/5Here's how you may be able to benefit from this one-day detox plan

If you feel bloated or like you've been binging on too much of the unhealthy stuff, then it's time to cleanse your body in the right way. While a one-day detox plan isn't going to cause you to lose obscene amounts of weight to achieve your weight loss goal, it is going to help you to feel better - physically and mentally. Hitting the reset button and taking time to flush out those toxins can help you get back on track with your wellness plan. Here are simple detox tips that could cleanse your body in one day.

by Darielle Britto


Kick start your day with a bit of lemon juice in hot water. This will help to stimulate your digestive tract and give your body a vitamin C boost. Wake up early and enjoy a cup of this beverage in a relaxing way. Make sure you also stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water.

by Darielle Britto

03/5Just before breakfast

A quick workout in the morning may be the last thing most people would want to even think of doing. You're still a bit tired and feel too sluggish to get in some fitness that early in the day. However, a short workout (as little as three minutes) can help warm up the body and get the blood circulation going. Try practising yoga to give your energy a boost before you have your breakfast.

by Darielle Britto


For lunch, stay clear of any food that might be too heavy. You could opt for a hearty soup or a plate of lean protein with healthy fats and a fibre-rich salad on the side. Don't skip this meal, you need to fill your body with the proper nutrition to get through the rest of the day. After you enjoy your lunch, take a quick spin around the block before you get back to work.

by Darielle Britto


Your dinner for the day should be loaded with vegetables and lean protein. Make sure you choose veggies that are loaded with fibre, protein, and vitamins. You can have your greens, like kale and asparagus, with a nice piece of fish. Try and switch off the TV (at least for one day) to fully enjoy your meal. This will help you to eat more mindfully and it may even stop you from overeating.

by Darielle Britto