01/9Coffee might taste good but it is equally bad for your health if you get addicted to it

There are people who love coffee. And then there are people who can't do without coffee. It's like they're instantly in a bad mood on days when they've missed on their coffees for some or the other reason. This is not pure love for coffee, but a sheer addiction of it. And addiction of anything is not good for health. Likewise, coffee addiction is also going to harm your health in ways more than one. So, you got to read this before you grab your next cup of coffee.

by Dhwani Vora

02/9Difficulty in concentrating

People often consume tea or coffee or any caffeinated drinks to boost their concentration and to improve focus. Caffeine tends to increase levels of adrenaline. And once the effect of caffeine fades out, the body struggles to get accustomed to functioning without it.

by Dhwani Vora

03/9Causes irritation

People who are frequent coffee drinkers tend to get cranky before their first cup of coffee. And this is because of the caffeine in the coffee, which results in irritability. And as coffee only lasts in the system for about to six hours, coffee addicts might start to feel its withdrawal symptoms.

by Dhwani Vora

04/9Frequent urination

Consuming a lot of coffee might weaken your bladder which results in frequent urination. Whenever you drink more coffee or even tea for that matter will be the day when you visit the toilet more than the usual.

by Dhwani Vora

05/9Increases heart rate

High consumption of caffeine can result in increased heart rate. Not just that but it can also alter your heartbeat rhythm. This happens to people who consume high levels of energy drinks or too much coffee.

by Dhwani Vora

06/9Gives you headaches

If you think coffee makes you feel better when you have a headache, it might work for some. But if you overdo the usage of caffeine, it'll result in dizziness, nausea, indigestion, high blood pressure and headaches as well.

by Dhwani Vora

07/9Causes insomnia

An addiction to coffee will not only cause insomnia but can also give women some breast tissue cysts.

by Dhwani Vora

08/9Worsens the symptoms of depression

If you're someone who's suffering from any sort of anxiety or depression, do not consume more coffee. It will add up to the symptoms of both anxiety and depression and it'll only worsen it for you.

by Dhwani Vora

09/9Risks miscarriage

Since caffeine can reduce fertility in women, it can increase the risk of a miscarriage and that's not a very good thing to know.

by Dhwani Vora