Combat the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle. Here’s how

Deesha Bondre | Jan 15, 2019, 18:10 IST
You don’t need us to tell you this, but sitting all day can cause havoc on our backs and our brains, which is a huge problem. Because most of us are chained to a desk all day, thanks to our demanding desk jobs. A sedentary lifestyle is also an invitation to cardiovascular disease and early death if counteraction is not taken upon!

But there’s hope, because a new study may have found a solution to reducing the health risk by making one tiny change. All you have to do is replace only half an hour of sitting with any sort of physical activity. Yes, any physical activity!With this small chance, your risk for early death is reduced by up to 35%. Taking a post-lunch stroll or a morning gym routine suddenly seems appealing, doesn’t they?

But with a bunch of standing desk doing the rounds, we won't be surprised if you’re wondering if they have any benefits at all. Unfortunately, the verdict's still out on whether or not standing actually provides the health benefits many of the desk manufacturers. Dr. Keith Diaz, assistant professor of behavioral medicine at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center and lead author of the study, says “To evaluate these claims, we hope to study whether standing is linked to changes in cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and muscle pain."

Honestly, we’re just happy that there is actually a remedy for the never-ending sedentary lifestyle we lead!

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