01/6Keep away from these skincare tips!

Breakouts can be so tough. Not only do they cause havoc on the face, they can take a toll on you mentally as well. Suddenly you won’t feel confident to venture our without hiding the breakout in copious amounts of makeup. But irrespective of the fact that you face the occasional pimple or constantly struggle with a brand new break out, we bet you have list of skincare tips that promise to keep your skin looking fine. Sadly, many of the tips shared are lot thoroughly checked and frankly, the reason you keep getting those breakouts. We’ve spelled them out. Read on to find out which skincare ‘tip’ you shouldn’t be following.

by Deesha Bondre

02/6Scrub your skin clean

Exfoliation can be really good for your skin but if you have acne-prone skin you need to be really careful. When you use a harsh scrub on your skin, it can irritate your skin and can cause it to flare up all over. So, opt for a mild non-comedogenic cleanser instead. Apply it to your face and rub it all over in gentle circular motions. This is the best you can do for your skin.

by Alisha Alam

03/6Don't moisturise acne-prone skin

But why? Acne prone skin is usually oily and has more than enough of oils to keep it moisturise. So, it makes sense to skip the moisturiser, right? Dermatologists say acne prone skin is usually problematic. Drying it out is the right way, especially when a lot of acne is caused by inflammation and dryness. The first step to treating acne is calming the skin’s layering. Find a light weight water based moisturiser for your skin. It doesn’t weight the skin down, and yet keeps it moisturised!

by Deesha Bondre

04/6Use more products in your routine

This trend probably started after the 10 step Korean skincare routine got popular. People tend to believe using different kind of products to treat their acne can help a greater deal. However, the more skincare ingredients you use has more chances of them cancelling eachother out and your skin not getting the opportunity to absorb it. A simple cleanse-tone-serum-moisturise skincare routine is all you need.

by Deesha Bondre

05/6Using a lot of active ingredients like salicylic acid

Our instincts force us to cover up that brand new pimple with a generous dosage salicylic acir or a similar active ingredient. However, one must remember that anti-acne active ingredients are extremely drying. Using them in excess can dry your skin out, making it dry in patches. If you must use these ingredients only use them twice as a spot treatment. Use calming ingredients like rose and witch hazel in the skincare routine as well.

by Deesha Bondre

06/6The sun will dry up your spots

This is a skincare myth so old, that we’re cracking up while we write this. Many believe that exposing oneself to sun can reduce spots. Although it does a help a tiny bit in reducing inflammation, but that’s about it. Over exposure to sun can not only be bad for the immune system but also cause photo ageing. Over exposure can dry the skin up and then lead to more inflammation and cause more breakouts.

by Deesha Bondre