01/5These will help you to turn your casa into your office without having to step out

After labeling COVID-19 as ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organisation, the fear has made people take measures to ensure health safety. One such step is being taken by the corporate sectors in India by declaring work from home for its employees. However, the work from home model comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Although you will be saving both money and time by working from your bed, it can be challenging at the same time. From doing household chores to constantly getting distracted by the calling bell, it is a task to focus and deliver the same quality of work. Scroll down to see what exactly rules you need to implement for an effective work environment.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Plan out a routine

Working from home should not effect your usual work timing. Start by setting a routine and start marking targets that you must achieve throughout the day. This way of dividing work will help you to manage your time effectively. Don’t forget to include short breaks.

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03/5Set your work area

Working from bed might not be the best idea, it can make you feel tired and lazy. Set up a corner in your house where you can start working. It can be a table or a quiet area in your living space where you are comfortable. Switch places in every interval.

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04/5Coordinate with your team in the work group

Keep updating about your work in your work group can help to keep a track of the team. This also helps to realize if you’re lagging behind or finishing on your work on time. Coordination is the key here. However, the work group should not be used for anythinnng other than work.

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05/5Let your relatives or flatmates know

It is important to let the people with whom you share your house know about your work timing. This will make sure you are available to your company during your work hours. This will prevent sudden visits at home and give you space to work peacefully.

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