Coronavirus Lockdown: Here's how you can get proper nutrition if you're working from home

Alisha Alam | Apr 21, 2020, 11:14 IST
It's no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard. While many people have been forced to temporarily shut down shop, others have been asked to work from home. And although working from home does seem to be good enough during these trying times, it can take a toll on your physical and mental health, especially if you aren't paying attention to your diet and nutrition. So, here are a few ways in which you can ensure that you're getting proper nutrition during the lockdown.

1. Don't consume too much coffee - As opposed to your workplace, you won't need to keep up with things as much so maybe you should cut down on your coffee consumption. Make sure to not drink coffee during the evening since it may also affect your sleep cycle and that will further disrupt your mental peace too.

2. Don't opt for junk foods: We know it might be tempting to opt for junk foods like chocolate and fizzy drinks but these will only ruin your diet. Opt for healthy foods instead such as veggies, fresh fruits, dry fruits, healthy fats etc. These can provide you with the nutrition you need.

3. Stay hydrated: We're sure you have a bottle with you at your workplace which might constantly remind you to drink water but at home that just isn't the case, is it? Most of us tend to completely forget to drink water throughout the day sometimes and this can lead to severe dehydration issues as well as other health problems. So, make sure to keep a bottle of water with you at all times and if you're of those forgetful types then set reminders to drink water if you have to.

4. Don't skip meals: No matter how busy you are with work, you absolutely must ensure not to skip out on any of your meals. And more importantly, make sure that you're eating your meals on time so that your meal schedule isn't disrupted. And make sure to eat extra healthy foods for breakfast since it'll help keep you alert and fresh throughout the day.

5. Don't eat at your desk: It'll hardly take you half an hour to sit and have one meal. So, don't distract yourself with your meals by eating them at your desk. You might end up not eating properly or over-eating. Make sure you sit on your couch or at the dining table.

Follow these tips and you'll have just the kind of nutrition you need. Stay tuned for more updates.

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