Could consuming whole grains prevent diabetes?

Alisha Alam | Sep 7, 2018, 16:25 IST
Well people, here's another reason for you to add whole grains to your diet. A recent study has now found that consuming whole grains might just help prevent diabetes. Rikard Landberg, senior researcher of the study, said, "Most studies similar to ours have previously been conducted in the USA, where people mainly get their wholegrain from wheat. We wanted to see if there was a difference between different cereals. One might expect there would be because they contain different types of dietary fibre and bioactive substances, which have been shown to influence risk factors for type 2 diabetes."

The study showed that it made no difference which type of whole grain product the participants consumed. For example, grains like rye, oatmeal and muesli offered the same kind of protection against type 2 diabetes. What seems to be important here is how much of the product should be consumed. When whole grain foods were compared with other foods it turned out the former was a lot more effective in reducing the risk of diabetes. And since they contain essential nutrients, people who avoid them while going on a diet lose out on many health benefits.

Well, it's time to introduce whole grains into your diet! Stay tuned for more updates.

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