Could your diet be the cause behind your migraine?

Alisha Alam | Oct 22, 2018, 17:38 IST
Most people think that migraines are caused due to external factors like stress and sunlight. However, it turns out that more often than not these things can be caused due to what's internal, like your diet. Migraines usually come in two types, frontal and back.

The frontal headaches occur around the eyes and temples. “This comes out of sources that have an expanding energy in the body, for instance an excessive amount of fruit juices, chocolates or sugar,” says Shonali Sabherwal, macrobiotic nutritionist. “When people get off caffeine and sugar, they also get these headaches because of detoxification, as pain is one of the body’s many mechanisms to throw out toxins.” “Frontal headaches need cooked foods, not raw food.” So, stay clear of fruits, vegetables and green juices.

A back headache is concentrated towards the back of the head, from where it radiates around the skull. “These types of headaches come from too much protein, which has a contracting energy.” So, if you're eating too many eggs or salt, you could be susceptible to this kind of pain. These headaches need raw food to get rid of them so opt for vegetable juices. “Don’t do fruit juices, as there is too much sugar in them,” adds Sabherwal.

Well, now you know how your diet could play a role in causing that migraine so be sure to eat healthy. Stay tuned for more updates.

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