01/76 foods that kill testosterone levels

As more and more men are diagnosed with and struggle with erectile dysfunction, today, we decided to do some research. And we found out that there are a couple of food items that we bet you'll intake almost every day that by cutting out, can actually help increase your testosterone levels. we see more commercials for various pharmaceuticals that are supposed to help with or eliminate everything from prostate issues, erectile dysfunction, and low testosterone. These drugs are usually made up of a variety of chemicals created in laboratories. So, to avoid this, we say, try cutting out these 6 foods which are killing your testosterone levels...

by Jehana Antia


Much like you'll know, cheese, along with other dairy products, comes from cows which have been given a number of synthetic hormones. These synthetic hormones interfere with the body’s ability to create its own hormones and will therefore reduce your testosterone. So if it’s not organic, just pass when you’re offered a cheese plate if you’re planning on continuing the party in your bedroom later.

by Jehana Antia

03/7Diet drinks

Diet drinks, especially diet sodas, are full of artificial sweeteners and are anyway not very healthy, much like you'll know. From all the chemicals they contain, the worst is aspartame which can be found in thousands of products. It causes migraines, and will also lower your serotonin and testosterone levels which leads to anxiety, insomnia, and irritation.

by Jehana Antia


The University of Connecticut did a study on soy and found that it doesn’t increase estrogen levels in women, as proven deduced earlier on, but they also found that it does reduce testosterone levels in men. Soy was also found to have raised cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone released when we are under stress and can lead to things like weight gain. For the best impact on your testosterone levels, be sure to avoid products that have soy in them. Testosterone also helps you sleep, produce red blood cells, and repair cells, so it's important to avoid foods that hamper its levels.

by Jehana Antia


Although having bad breath is certainly a turn-off, we say, try avoiding mint whenever possible. Mint has the ability to lower testosterone levels and therefore your sex drive as well. It’s the menthol in mint that interferes with your testosterone, so make sure to avoid anything with menthol in it to help keep your testosterone levels normal.

by Jehana Antia


Now this one will be a tough one to cut out but a man has got to try, right? While you might think that coffee can help you give you the energy boost you need for a romp in the sheets, if you’re sensitive to caffeine, coffee will make you jittery and nervous, which won’t help you with your sex drive. You’ll certainly feel fired up, but not for romantic things...

by Jehana Antia


Alcohol lowers your testosterone levels because your liver is responsible for processing alcohol and producing testosterone, but it can only do one thing at a time, so if it’s busy working on that six pack that you just downed in the last hour, it’s not going to be able to give you the testosterone you need for a great sex drive.

by Jehana Antia