01/12Try doing these little things with your boyfriend to bring him closer to you

Go for long walks: In this speedy world of ours, sometimes it just feels wonderful to take a step back and relax. What better way to do that than with a long evening walk with your bae? Just hold his hand and let him guide you wherever he's going. You'll both end up loving the experience.

by Alisha Alam

02/12Go to an amusement park

There's nothing like bringing out the child in you! When you go to an amusement park together you're bound to have tons of fun. And even if you're slightly afraid of the big rides, you'll have your partner by your side to scream along with you. Trust us, you'll make some fond memories here.

by Alisha Alam

03/12Have a sing-along!

It doesn't matter if you sound like a walrus, what matters is that you're having fun. Put on your favourite song and sing along to it. Ask your boyfriend to join in and together you two could do a little sing and dance along. You'll end up feeling so alive.

by Alisha Alam

04/12Make up code words

So many people end up making new languages altogether, so the least you can do is come up with some code words so that you two can share your inside jokes with each other whenever you want. Sure, some people will think that you've gone mad but how does it even matter if you're having fun.

by Alisha Alam

05/12Tell each other mushy things

Even when the two of you are sitting together somewhere, hold hands and tell each other mushy things. Whisper them in each other’s ears and watch how you both will be grinning and blushing by the end of it. There's nothing better than telling your partner that you love them in a million different ways.

by Alisha Alam

06/12Time capsule!

Take all the little things you have like movie tickets or flowers he may have gifted you and put them all in an airtight container. Then place it somewhere safe or bury it in your backyard. Years later when you'll open the box, a wave of memories will come rushing back to you.

by Alisha Alam

07/12Pretend to be strangers

Go out on a date like it's your very first one with each other. Pretend to be strangers and flirt with each other all you can. You'll end up making some really amazing memories. And you could play it out however you want. Play hard to get and watch how it'll make him want you even more.

by Alisha Alam

08/12Sleep under the stars

Yes, this one sounds like the ultimate cliché, but trust us there's a certain charm to it that you'll totally love. Imagine lying under the stars in the arms of your loved one, snuggling in a blanket. This is quite possibly amongst the most romantic things you can do with him.

by Alisha Alam

09/12Make a wall of memories

Trust us, this is definitely something you should do. Take all your goofy and funny and cute pictures and put them all together. You could paste them on a wall in your house, or you could put them up on a bulletin or if you want to go for something simple, you could just turn them into a photo album.

by Alisha Alam

10/12Go on a breakfast date

Dinner dates are totally overrated. While most of you may still like them, we suggest you should opt for breakfast dates too, once in a while. And you could just turn up to your favourite cafe in your pyjamas. Because no one's going to be judging you at that waking hour. So, no outfit hassles either, now isn't that great?

by Alisha Alam