Cutting Sugar From Diet Causes These Amazing Changes

Jul 16, 2019, 18:31 IST
If you’re looking for someone freshly brewed inspiration to cut out that sugar, ahead are some reasons.

Sugar could easily be a universal food vice. Whether it’s a sugar-syrup drenched rassagula we’re talking about, or that creamy, smooth cheesecake for the rest of the good old tub ice cream pretty much no one can resist. Sadly, people are consuming far more sugar than they think they are. Most times, sugar happens to be a hidden ingredient in processed foods. With sugar pretty much all around, it can be pretty difficult to cut it out from one’s diet – but it isn’t impossible either. Cutting out sugar from one’s diet can be highly beneficial. So, if you’re looking for someone freshly brewed inspiration to cut out that sugar, ahead are some reasons.

You will have a healthy heartConsuming sugar results in a spike in the insulin level. This stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and increases the heart rate and blood pressure. When a person cuts out sugar, this spike in insulin isn’t experiencing leading to a stable heart rate in a week. It also leads to controlling cholesterol levels.Diabetes can be controlledThis is a no-brainer, but must be said. Sugar is the greatest vice for a patient of diabetes, because of their inability to produce insulin in the body. But cutting sugar from one’s diet and including healthier options can stabilise the insulin levels in the blood.Your skin will glowAside from contributing to gaining weight, sugar also tends to trigger acne. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who quit sugared drinks like soda reported having better skin, despite not using an expensive skincare cream.

You will lose weightAs per reports, when you give up sugar, your body starts making ketones for energy from fat, because of the absence of glucose. This is called the fat-burning mode. You may have a keto fever, which involves headache, unexplained fatigue and cramps but the symptoms subside within a week. However, it is best to consult your nutritionist to understand the side effects of keto and whether the diet is meant for you or not.

You will be in a better moodA study conducted in Columbia University diet stated that women who had a high sugar diet reported of mood swings, irritability, and increased anxiety. Yes, cutting out sugar when you have been addicted to it may make you experience withdrawal symptoms but remember it will just be temporary.

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