01/13New to dating? Here are some jargons you must know!

The time for exchanging love letters and whispering sweet nothings to one another is long gone now. Now, is the time for dating apps and online dating. Thanks to these, people now have a plethora of options to choose from and it isn't necessarily a good thing. This modernisation of dating has become like following a rule book. For you to sustain and thrive and find yourself a good partner, you gotta know the dating jargon. Lucky for you, we’re listing them down and their cryptic meanings all in one place.

by Deesha Bondre


Stashing is the latest sly dating technique you may have been a victim of. It occurs when the person you're dating doesn't introduce you to their friends or family, and doesn't post about you on social media. Basically, you're their secret boyfriend or girlfriend, while they feel justified in "stashing" you in the corner, pretending nothing is going on to the outside world, and keeping their options open.

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No, we're not talking about those delicious sweet treats that you find in stores. Jelly is basically a slightly annoying way to say that someone is feeling jealous. So, if you find that some person is asking you if you're jelly, it probably means that they're asking you if you're feeling jealous.


Honestly, this one is sort of self-explanatory much like 'Googling' is. Tindering is when you're swiping on Tinder but instead of saying the whole thing you just say, 'Oh I was tindering'.


Boring small talk with a dating app match that isn’t interesting for either party. All nonversations lead to one spot — nowhere. Such banter fails to encourage a date.

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Someone who is looking to get out of a relationship but instead of making a clean break, they start laying out the groundwork with other women who they want to date next.

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When a ghost tries to enter your life (possibly after orbiting for a bit), it is called zombieing. But this zombie usually has a higher vocab as their greeting message is often just a “Hey.” And they’re back!.

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If you're "cushioning" someone, it means you're dating them but you don't think it's going to end well. Instead of cutting loose, you prepare for the break-up by chatting and flirting with several other people, to cushion the blow when it happens. Why they don't just bite the bullet and initiate the break-up themselves is a mystery.

by Deesha Bondre


Deeplinking is when you show someone that you like them by scrolling through their social media handles and liking pictures from months or even years before. It shows them that you're invested in them and that you want to form a bond with them.

by Alisha Alam


This one is more popular than it should be, which is why we won’t be surprised if you already know this. Ghosting is when a person you’re dating or your partner, completely wipes themselves out from your lives. Things may be going good, but suddenly you can’t seem to reach them. You’ve been blocked all around without any explanation. You’ve been ghosted. Harsh, isn’t it?

by Deesha Bondre