01/6These drinks not only will keep you hydrated all summer long but will also help lose those extra kilos

A sweltering day can throw anyone into a tizzy and we all understand the struggle of avoiding those sugary drinks, don't we? And then, the one thing that definitely takes a backseat in this season is a weight-loss plan. However, what if we say that you can get that much-needed cooling effect through natural drinks that'll not only keep you hydrated but also help you in weight loss too? These 7 drinks are our lifesavers in the summer and we bet, they will be yours too...

by Jehana Antia

02/6Coconut water

Staying close to the shore, this drink makes for our go-to, summer or not. Coconut water is known to maintain the electrolyte level in your body which helps to rehydrate and also maintains pH balance. And since it is alkaline in nature, consuming it on an empty stomach will boost the metabolism and help you in losing weight.

by Jehana Antia

03/6Iced green tea

Many of us have desk jobs and we know well that green tea accelerates fat loss. But did you also know that it aids in keeping the heat at bay? Green tea also contains catechin, a type of disease-fighting antioxidant that fights off stress and anxiety. Do away with your hot green tea this season and opt for the cooler option instead.

by Jehana Antia


Lemonade instantly gives us that boost in the cruel summer sun. Nothing replenishes electrolytes naturally, rehydrates the body and aids in fat-loss like lemonade does. Lemon is a great fat-loss agent and is also a rich source of Vitamin C, antioxidant that promotes strong immune levels. Other than all of that, it makes for a yummy drink too! What more can you possibly ask for?

by Jehana Antia

05/6Sugarcane juice

There are many misconceptions about sugarcane juice and we're here to put an end to all of those. Not much is said about this drink and its high level of calcium, iron and magnesium content. Not just for hydration but, sugarcane juice also helps in fighting infections as it is rich in vitamins. It is sugar in its purest form. What could be better than that, right?

by Jehana Antia


And now the king of all—water! While you might think that water's job is just to maintain basic hydration levels, it also maintains our body’s core temperature stable that makes it easier for us to lose weight. Please remember, dehydration only furthers the chances of water retention resulting in weight gain.

by Jehana Antia