Depression and insomnia are closely linked with each other, experts say

Alisha Alam | Apr 30, 2020, 11:13 IST
If you're someone who suffers from depression, you might have noticed that you also find it hard to fall asleep. Turns out, depression and insomnia are closely linked with each other since depression can upset your sleep cycle significantly and thus cause major changes to it. Depression can make it difficult for you not just to fall asleep but to even stay asleep and sometimes it can do both. Here's what depression does to upset your sleep cycle.

-Leads to poor circadian rhythm: Your circadian rhythm is what can coordinate sleep and wakefulness in your body. With depression, people tend to sleep during the day or take multiple naps throughout the day and this can lead to loss of sleep during the night.

-Low sleep drive: "The things that promote good quality sleep are a lot of daytime activities keeping you busy and almost wearing yourself out throughout the day," says an expert. But since depressed people don't opt for much physical activity during the day, they end up feeling less sleepy at night.

-Feeling hyperaroused: Hyperarousal is when you feel alert instead of feeling sleepy. "If your mind is wandering to the past, that's usually an indication that depression is seeping in," says an expert. "If your mind is wandering to the future, that's where anxiety lives," he adds.

If you're wondering how you can get better sleep with depression, here are a few things that might help.

-Don't do anything apart from sleeping in your bed. If you eat in your bed or watch something or work there, your brain will start associating your bed with these things. And if you only sleep in your bed, your brain will automatically associate your bed with sleep and this might help you feel sleepy in bed.

-Opt for some calming rituals before bed. You could try some deep breathing exercises or you could just dim your lights and sit down peacefully until you feel sleepy.

-Don't stay in bed for too long in the morning and make sure that you get up at around the same time every morning. This way you'll be able to get more things done throughout the day and you won't feel as lethargic or tired.

-Make sure to opt for some form of physical activity throughout the day whether it's an exercise session or a dance session. It'll help you get moving and will also make you feel energised.

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