Did you know cheating on your diet could actually help you lose more fat?

Alisha Alam | Jun 15, 2018, 17:14 IST
A new study has now suggested that a regular cheat day can actually help the body lose more weight by encouraging it to burn more fat. A leading nutritionist wrote in her blog that having a cheat day after regular dieting tells the body that it doesn't need to go into starvation mode. In starvation mode the body tends to horde up all the calories it can manage. She added that a cheat meal which contains significantly more calories helps the body to continue to burn body fat.

A published study also found that people who were on a diet and had a cheat day lost the same amount of weight as people who did not have a cheat day. But, as is with all good things, with this too there's a catch. Having a cheat day doesn't mean that you can go eat an entire pizza or something super unhealthy. A cheat meal should be something simple yet appealing and something that doesn't pack thousands of calories. Stay tuned for more updates.
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