Did you know consuming this fruit could help you sleep better?

Alisha Alam | Aug 14, 2019, 11:27 IST
It's no secret that in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, one must also get an adequate amount of sleep. Adults require anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep a night. Any less or any more than this can result in fatigue, tiredness, unhealthy eating habits and more health issues. While there are certain techniques one can follow to be able to sleep better, there is also one fruit that can really help you out too. This fruit happens to be cherries.

Cherries are loaded with vitamin C, potassium and melatonin as well as other nutrients. Now, what makes cherries so special you ask? Since they contain natural melatonin (influences sleep patterns), cherries can actually work wonders in putting you to sleep. All you need to do is consume raw cherries or raw cherry juice a little while before bedtime and you'll feel the difference in your sleep patterns.

But sleep isn't all that cherries are good for. They have a ton of other benefits that can help you out. Since they contain an abundant presence of anthocyanins and antioxidants, they can help act as anti-inflammatory agents and can reduce the risk of your body developing certain chronic diseases.

Apart from this, cherries contain potassium and polyphenols which are two compounds that can help aid heart health. It also manages to keep your sodium levels in check which is essential for good heart health. What's more, cherries have a glycemic index of 22 which works wonders if you're looking to lose some weight. Plus, they can help get rid of muscle pain after a workout session.

So, needless to say, cherries are like this miracle fruit that can help keep your body healthy and happy. Here are some ways in which you can consume them.

Dehydrate them: Remove the pit from your cherries and then put the cherries in the freezer. Once frozen, place them on a tray and place the tray in a dehydrator. Let the cherries thaw. These dehydrated cherries could be added to certain desserts to enhance their flavour.

Freeze them: Fancy a smoothie? Remove the pit from your cherries and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, you can use them for up to 6 months. Now, every time you fancy a smoothie, all you got to do is pick out a few cherries from the freezer and add them to your smoothie.

Make a syrup: In a pan, add a cup of sugar, a cup of water and pitted cherries. Boil these ingredients for about 2 minutes and then strain the mixture. Once cooled, you have your own homemade cherry syrup. Add it to waffles, pancakes, ice cream or any other dessert.

While all of these options are great, if you'd much rather munch on plain cherries, that works too. Stay tuned for more updates.

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