Did you know there are diets that don't work as your weight loss strategy?

Dhwani Vora | Apr 15, 2019, 18:08 IST
There are several weight loss strategies all over social media. And there are people who even follow them religiously without knowing if they're going to work or no. While there are a lot of people who would want to follow the right way to lose weight, they might get deviated with the wrong information that circulates on the Internet or about the ways they're told of by their peers. And this is why we're here to tell you about the kind of diets you need to avoid if you wish to lose weight.

- Starving and skipping meals is a big NO! It shouldn't even be the last thing to follow in order to see yourself shed some kilos. It will in fact only make you fall weak and mess with your metabolism.

- Working out on an empty stomach is also a very bad idea. Since your workout needs quite some energy of your body to sweat it out, it sure needs the right kind of food to give your body enough energy. Working out while you're hungry will only make your muscles burn calories and not your fat.

- Eating whatever you like and then exercising makes no sense at all. If you want to workout, you might as well eat the right kind of food as well. They both go hand in hand. Eating desserts and junk food right before you hit the gym will do no good to your calorie burning routine.

- If you're going to get distracted with all those fake advertisements about losing belly fat in two week, then you should stop right there. Slow and stead wins the race, and that's how it is. It only means you need to have the right balance between patience and persistence.

- Skipping on meals that include carbohydrates will only make you miss out on the necessary food needed for your body's health. You sure can eat the pasta and the pizza, but of course in control and limited quantities.

Looking good and feeling good should always go hand in hand. If either one of them is messed up, your health is very much going for a toss and so is your slim and trim body.
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