Did you know these daily habits could be harming your mental health?

Alisha Alam | Jan 21, 2020, 11:37 IST
Mental health is one thing that must not be taken lightly. There are tons of triggers that might leave a person feeling disturbed but we often tend to ignore such triggers altogether. You don't have to be clinically depressed to have other mental health issues. Sometimes even the simplest things can make you feel terrible and make you prone to issues like panic attacks, acute anxiety, mood swings and whatnot. This is why it becomes all the more important for you to identify these triggers so that you can take the appropriate preventive measures.

Clutter: Did you know that being bad at cleaning up things around you could be bad for your mental health? Apparently, it is. When you live in a cluttered environment it tends to make you more lethargic and at risk to procrastinate. You might also pick up unhealthy habits like binge-eating, watching excessive television and even excessive sleeping.

Always saying yes: While it is often considered impolite to say no to certain things, what you must understand is that you need time for yourself too. So, always saying yes will only put you in a tough spot where you can't focus enough on any one particular thing and that includes you too. Learn to say no every once in a while so that you get time to breathe and figure things out.

Having a bad posture: Have you ever realised how some stress or pain in your lower back could cause you to have mood swings all day long? Well, that happens because you're in pain constantly and it affects your ability to think properly. And you're in pain because your posture isn't good. So, bad posture equals bad mood which equals additional stress.

Being busy all the time: You know it's practically the norm to work 14 hours or 16 hours a day these days. But we're sure you also know that it can't possibly be healthy for you. If you're busy with work all the time then you don't have enough time for yourself or time to relax. And this, in turn, can make things worse for your mental health because you'll be stressed all the time.

Well, maybe it's time you get rid of these habits and start paying more attention to your mental health. Stay tuned for more updates.
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